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A Guide to Valheim Frost Caves and the New Features Introduced in the Mountain Biome Update

Valheim Frost Caves are mysterious subterranean places that you can explore, where you’ll encounter Ulv, Cultists, and bats. Although bats are familiar creatures, Ulv and Cultists are essentially werewolves, and some of them can even shoot fire, making these caverns more dangerous. The Frost Caves were introduced in the Valheim Mistlands update in early 2022, and they are similar to the Crypts in the Swamp biome. They are scary mini-dungeons that offer abundant loot and unique enemies to battle.

Since the Valheim Frost Caves are not easy to find, we have provided information below on how to locate them. This guide includes a list of all Frost Cave creatures, resources, and corresponding crafting recipes. Best of luck in your quest for Frost Caves, and make sure you don’t freeze!

What’s New in the Valheim Mountain Cave Update

The Valheim Mountain Cave update introduced Frost Caves to the Mountain Biome, which are caverns with icy surroundings. These mini-dungeons operate similarly to the Sunken Crypts in the Swamp biome, and it’s not possible to build inside them. You’ll encounter lots of chilly tunnels, as well as adorned rooms, altars, and winding stairs. It’s important to be cautious around the stairs since they are narrow, and falling down could result in an unfortunate demise.

Since the Frost Caves are generated randomly, it’s impossible to predict their size. Some may have a lot of loot and enemies, while others may be fairly empty. It’s always a good idea to bring a reliable weapon and a torch when exploring these caves.

How to Find a Frost Cave In Valheim

Exciting as it may sound, locating a Frost Cave can be challenging. To begin, you’ll need to embark on a mountaineering journey since Frost Caves are located in the Mountain Biome. Once you’ve arrived, it’s a matter of being patient and lucky.

Be on the lookout for big rock formations similar to the one depicted in the image since they can indicate the entrance to a Frost Cave. Although the colors may not stand out in the frosty surroundings, the cave’s opening is quite sizable. Since Frost Caves are sometimes inhabited by Stone Golems, keep a close eye out for these rock-like creatures.

Do Frost Caves Spawn in Old Valheim Worlds?

The simple answer is that Frost Caves can be found in pre-existing Valheim worlds. However, they can only spawn in unexplored areas, indicated by brown-greyish portions of your map. If you have already explored all the Mountain Biomes in your previous map, you will need to create a new world to discover Frost Caves.

Valheim Frost Cave Creatures

Upon entering your first Frost Cave, you are likely to encounter the troublesome inhabitants, Bats. They will fly towards you to attack, but don’t worry as they are weak and don’t inflict much damage. The primary issue is striking them at the right moment before they fly away.

On the other hand, Cultists and Ulv are far more hazardous Frost Cave residents. The latter is a wolf-like creature often found wandering or resting in the tunnels. A solitary Ulv isn’t a tough adversary to confront, but things can get complicated if there are several of them. It’s recommended to use arrows (preferably poison) from a distance to take them down.

In contrast to the Ulv, the Cultists stand upright. Additionally, unlike the Ulv, they will attempt to exhale fire directly at you. Essentially, they are werewolves that breathe fire, wear red capes, and may even eat grandmas. During combat, you may want to try evading their fire breath, moving behind them, and striking them swiftly. Poison arrows are also a viable option.

Frost Cave Resources in Valheim

Here’s a handy list of every new resource found in the Frost Caves:

New Fenris Armor and Flesh Rippers Crafting Recipes

New resources imply new Valheim recipes. You can make the following items using your Fenris Hair, Red Jute, and other Frost Cave loot:

That concludes the upgrade to the Valheim Frost Cave. Just keep in mind that anyone wearing a red riding hood is not likely to be friendly.

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