The Hogwarts Legacy Eye Chest: How to Open It

Hogwarts’ Eyeball Chests Can Be Opened With the Right Spell

You can earn money quickly by opening Hogwarts Legacy eye chests, but the game does not explain how. The Disillusionment Charm you get during a certain mission turns you invisible and makes you sneak up on them. In spite of this, it is never mentioned, so you have to figure it out on your own. It’s a story-locked solution that is also never explained. How and when to open eye chests in Hogwarts Legacy are outlined here.

There are a lot of things like this in the game. For example, there is no explanation for the Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors, and if you miss a crucial part of the puzzle, you’re left guessing. Furthermore, even though the solution revolves around magic, it’s actually a Hogwarts Legacy Spell that you won’t be able to learn in a classroom. I’ll tell you how it works, and explain all that.

Opening Hogwarts Legacy Eye Chests

During the ‘Secrets of the Restricted Section’ mission, you can discover the Disillusionment spell. By doing this, you become invisible, which allows you to open the eye chests in Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy doesn’t allow you to open eye chests until you are authorized to do so. You might not be able to access the Disillusionment charm for a long time. This depends on how you’ve approached the main quest list and side missions in Hogwarts Legacy. As soon as you unlock the ‘Secrets of the Restricted Section’ quest in Hogwarts Legacy, Sebastian will teach you the spell while you break into the library. This is so you can prioritize things. During that mission, you can even practice getting them open by casting the spell when the chest is not alerted.

Hogwarts Legacy Eye Chest Contents

In Hogwarts Legacy eye chests, you will find 500 Galleons. Hence, each chest you find is basically cash you can claim right away. To some extent, that’s why you might want to get the Disillusionment spell sooner rather than later – the sooner you get it, the sooner you can claim it. You won’t have to go back and find any you couldn’t open previously.

Author: Jim Torralba