High Keep Mission: How to Climb Hogwarts Legacy’s Battlements

Should you have any difficulties climbing the battlements of the High Keep, then follow these instructions in order to help you.

During the High Wall mission, you will need to climb the battlements of Hogwarts Legacy. As long as you can figure out how to get to the top, then you will be able to proceed. Getting stuck in this section can be a real hassle for no good reason, mostly due to bad luck and unclear directions.

A key part of the High Wall mission takes place near Hogsmeade where you meet Natty at Falbarton Castle. In order to complete this quest, you must climb the battlements. The tricky part is when you reach a wall that is too high for you to climb. In this case, you will have to use Leviosa magic and a box. It is possible to accomplish this as long as the physics and position allow it.

The first thing you need to do when you meet the seemingly insurmountable wall is to turn to the left side of the wall. You will see a portcullis with a box behind it, as well as a spinner to the left side. Use Depulso to open the portcullis by using Accio to grab the box.

Once the box has been freed, position it underneath the high wall. With Wingardium Leviosa, take a step back and then use her to raise it so that you can climb on top of it. If this doesn’t work, then you can stand on the box and then use Leviosa to get it up.

Regardless of how it works, it won’t make much of a difference, because the raised box will provide you with the bridge you will need to climb up to the higher level. Following that, the mission is quite straightforward and will bring you the Hogwarts Legacy mounts at the end of it.

Author: Jim Torralba