Hogwarts Legacy Wand Flexibility: What Does It Do?

There are various ways to adjust the flexibility of your wand, but does it really make a difference?

If you’re wondering how flexible the Hogwarts Legacy wands are as you start your wizarding adventure, you shouldn’t worry about it. In reality, it is primarily a matter of appearance and does not have a large impact on gameplay. It comes up when you choose your own at Ollivander’s, with flexibility being one of the core aspects you can alter.

No matter what kind of wand you choose, the game will run exactly the same regardless of what type you choose. Therefore, this is primarily just a lore nod that does not have any practical benefits or drawbacks. In Hogwarts Legacy, you can choose which wand you want, but a cute little beat-like flexible wand transports you as if you’re really getting ready for the new semester.

What is the best wand flexibility in Hogwarts Legacy?

Although you have the option of choosing how flexible your wand is, it doesn’t matter what it feels like. Flexibility options range from whippy to unyielding, but that is just for the color of the wand. It is possible to select a variety of woods, designs, etc., which will alter the appearance of the wand, however, all of these features are merely cosmetic, and will not affect the gameplay in any way.

It’s similar to when you change your appearance in Hogwarts Legacy or choose your Hogwarts Legacy broomstick – it’s all for looks at best, and there are no noticeable differences from a practical standpoint. According to Harry Potter novels and films, wand flexibility is the ability of an owner to change and adapt their wand based on it. Unlike wood and core types, which allow a wand to “choose the wizard”, this is a case of looks only.

In Hogwarts Legacy, you will be assigned a wand at random, but you can change the features of the wand however you wish.

Author: Jim Torralba