Arcane Odyssey’s Best Conjurer Builds

Roblox Arcane Odyssey is one of the most recent games to get early access on Roblox and is quickly becoming a fan favorite for many reasons. How do we begin with such an exceptional game? Arcane Odyssey’s fantastic worldbuilding and in-depth combat mechanics will inspire even the most novice players to become the best mage. Each gamer has the opportunity to customize their character and play how they want by choosing from a variety of magic styles and options. Throughout this guide, we will look at the best Conjurer builds in the game and what makes them so useful.

Roblox Arcane Odyssey: How Do You Build a Strong Conjurer?

Making sure your Roblox Arcane Odyssey save file is setup correctly is crucial to giving you a fighting chance. Knowing how to build a strong Conjurer in the game will be crucial further down the line, as your choices may determine your survival. The following are some of the best Conjurer builds in the game. There will be no preaching about 150 magic/100 weapons. There is no point in unlocking Aura!

1st Build: Balanced

This build emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between your weapons and magic. The Conjurer build in a Roblox videogame is similar to Yin and Yang. Yes, of course. If you want to unlock the snare spell, you should make your build have 120 magic and 130 weapons. It gets an extra 10 because you can use the second set of abilities for weapons when you have it at this number. You will have to reach max level to get them both, so it is a bit of a grind – but definitely worth it!

2nd Build: Weapons Focused

The build with 100 magic and 150 weapons is perfect for those of you who dislike the snare spell. The 150 in weapons will allow you to get a lot of extra attacks from boss weapons if you’re a Conjurer (at least under the current system’s level cap, which is subject to change). If you want to be a Conjurer, you will not be able to get all of the extra attacks, but that is unavoidable!

No Magic Focused Build?

Aura spells are not worth the extra effort that players will need to invest in magic when choosing the 150 magic to 100 weapons build. 125/125 is also not recommended, since you’ll lose 5 magic points, at least under the current cap system. We have discussed two excellent builds for Conjurers in Roblox Arcane Odyssey, but how you build depends entirely on you! I hope you enjoy playing and that you have a good time!

Author: Annalyn Butoy