Serial Cleaners: Bloody Good Fun

As a gamer who believes that all players should have a fairly well-balanced diet of games to play, I often peruse the puzzle category looking for tasty new games that evolve the genre into something new. When the first Serial Cleaner game launched, I knew I had to get my hands on its sequel, Serial Cleaners.

In my experience playing Serial Cleaners over the past few weeks, it has been an absolutely wonderful experience. There’s a lot to offer in this game, not just in terms of gameplay, but also in terms of feeling. If you enjoy puzzles, crime, and good narratives, you won’t want to miss it.

Cleaning Reviews: Biggest Takeaways

  • Gameplay is unique and addictive in Serial Cleaners.

  • Loveable twisted cast.

  • Its aesthetics take you back in time.

  • The story draws parallels with late 90s crime cinema.

  • It feels like a fresh puzzle every time you play a level.

Final Score: 9/10

This game has many wonderful attributes, but what makes Serial Cleaners so wonderful is that it combines them all. You’ll be captivated by the finely crafted art and gameplay in this non-stop experience.

It’s been months since I played a game so addictive, so I’m glad I caught it. You definitely should give this game a try if you enjoy puzzles or just want something different from what you usually play.

Now available on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, and iOS.

Author: Maricel Cuico