All Hogwarts Legacy Spells and How to Use Them

Get to know all the spells in Hogwarts Legacy and put them to good use.

In Hogwarts Legacy, your character can choose from more than a dozen spells. Some serve as mechanical functions in the core gameplay, while others are primarily for combat. Here’s our Hogwarts Legacy magic spells guide to help you learn the skills your character needs.

The types of spells in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy spells can be classified into two categories:

  • Essential: The core or intrinsic items are always active once you obtain them, offering new gameplay functions or mechanics.
  • Equippable: When learning these spells, you usually have to trace a pattern first. In this category, you may assign spells according to their school, color, and usage (i.e. Control/yellow, Force/purple, Damage/red, Conjuring/light green, Utility/light blue, and Unforgivable Curse/dark green).

A list of the most essential spells

Listed below are Hogwarts Legacy’s Essential Spells. Since they are used in various situations, no need to specify which is best.

  • Basic Cast – An attack that can be spammed; learned at the beginning of the campaign.
  • Revelio – Pings the map to reveal objects, enemies, or points of interest; first learned at the campaign’s beginning.
  • Protego and Stupefy – In this game, blocking and countering are game mechanics. Press the block button to create a Protego bubble, and counter with a Stupefy bubble when you’re ready.
  • Ancient Magic Throw – Hits your target with objects and can destroy shields; learned from a Troll on the first day of Hogsmeade.
  • Ancient Magic – You will be able to activate this for the first time when fighting the Troll in Hogsmeade when it casts devastating elements or other random tricks (i.e., polymorphing into a chicken).
  • Petrificus Totalus – Unlocked upon completing the Secrets of the Restricted Section main quest.
  • Alohomora – This can be further upgraded by collecting Demiguise Statues/Moons to open higher-level locks.

The effects of ancient magic can be random or contextual. For instance, Trolls can smack themselves with their clubs and a Dark Wizard can transform into a chicken.

Equipable Spells – Main quests and missions

You will likely switch the spells listed below according to the situation since they are equipped in limited slots. They can come from the main story progression or assignments from various Hogwarts professors (i.e., short tasks with tallies). During the campaign, we acquired these items in the following order:

  • Lumos – Turns your wand into a light source; learned at the beginning of the game.
  • Accio – Draws enemies and objects towards you; obtained from taking your first Charms class.
  • Levioso – Allows you to launch enemies and objects into the air after attending the first Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA) class.
  • Reparo – Performs repair work on damaged or ruined objects; obtained by completing an assignment.
  • Incendio – Creates an arc of fire; received after doing the second DADA assignment.
  • Disillusionment – Unlocked at the start of Secrets of the Restricted Section.
  • Expelliarmus – Disarms and removes an opponent’s weapon or wand. Received after two DADA assignments.
  • Depulso – Disperses a target from your character with force; received after completing a Potions assignment.
  • Confringo – Fires long-range flames, unlocked through Sebastian Sallow of Slytherin’s companion quest In the Shadow of the Undercroft.
  • Diffindo – Slashes your foe with several blades; received after doing your second potion assignment.
  • Wingardium Leviosa – You get it after doing your first Herbology assignment. It lifts a target into the air but allows more movement and precision. After unlocking Wingardium Leviosa, you can use Accio on any object. Accio switches to Wingardium Leviosa’s item controls when an object can be lifted or repositioned (i.e., blocks or crates).
  • Flipendo – Knock down a target or turn it upside down; received after you finish your second herbology assignment.
  • Glacius – Freezes targets in ice; received after you complete your first Flying Class mission.
  • Arresto Momentum – Stops a target from moving; received after you complete your second Flying Class assignment.
  • Descendo – Brings down an airborne target; obtained after divination.
  • Bombarda – Explodes in an area-of-effect (AoE) and blasts a target. Received after completing Beasts Class homework.
  • Transformation – Reverses the form of your target (e.g., blocks or barrels); only affects one target at a time; after taking damage, the target returns to its original form. Received after completing your Transfiguration assignment.

With Glacius, you can freeze a target. Once frozen, you can add fire damage with Incendio or Confringo.

Spells of the Room of Requirement

Hogwarts Legacy spells used in the Room of Requirement and Vivarium:

  • Evanesco – Refunds Moonstone costs by removing obstacles and decorations.
  • Conjuring Spell – Places furniture and fixtures at your command.
  • Altering Spell – Alters a decoration’s color or size.

A spell that tames and captures beasts

There are a number of spells related to Beast taming and Vivarium sanctuary mechanics.

  • Beast Petting Brush – Affinity can be increased by petting a magical creature you have tamed.
  • Beast Feed – Give your pets treats to increase their affinity.
  • Nab-Sack – This is used to capture magical creatures and keep them in your Vivarium.

You’ll gain several utility spells, such as the Nab-Sack, which lets you catch animals the same way Ghostbusters captured them with proton packs.

Curses that are unforgivable

In Hogwarts Legacy, Unforgivable Curses can be obtained by following a certain classmate’s quest chain, which will become available later on.

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Hogwarts Legacy’s best spells

We have talked about all the magic abilities, but it’s time to talk about the powerful spells in Hogwarts Legacy. It should be noted that some spells become viable simply by virtue of the color or grouping they belong to. For instance, if you have an opponent with a yellow shield, you might want to use a Control-type spell like Levioso to break their defenses. Nevertheless, here are a few combos you should try:

  • Incendio and Confringo – There are times when you will need both fire spells at the same time (and you might need them both at the same time). The Incendio Mastery talent causes a fire blast that spreads across a wide area, which is particularly useful when fighting multiple hostiles at once.
  • Levioso – Once you get Levioso Mastery, it will affect nearby opponents as well, making Levioso very effective for crowd control.
  • Depulso – When you’re exploring the wilderness or cliffside areas, it’s hilarious to push enemies off ledges and platforms using Depulso. The Depulso Mastery also creates a shockwave with knockback effects.
  • Glacius and Incendio/Confringo – Using Glacius and Incendio or Confringo together will deal more damage, as Incendio or Confringo will shatter a foe’s ice armor.
  • Avada Kedavra – The Killing Curse can only be obtained much later in the campaign, but it’s worth the wait. It instantly kills your target, regardless of level or health.
Author: Jim Torralba