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Playground Games’ Fable 4 Seems Ready For Play

It appears that Fable 4 is closer to becoming a reality than we think, since its producer has quietly revealed that the game is currently in a playable state and could be coming soon.

Fable 4 appears to be approaching the end of the road of its development after the game’s producer, Vijay Gill, gave a very small insight into the development of the game via his LinkedIn profile. As spotted by Twisted Voxel(opens in new tab), the game is nearing the end of its development phase. According to Gill’s profile, the producer has been preparing and facilitating regular game playthroughs with key stakeholders, as well as conduct build reviews with key stakeholders, indicating to me that this game is not only playable but also in development.

The announcement of Fable 4 seems to have been done ages ago, but in truth, we only learned about it in 2020. Therefore, we have only been waiting for this game for just under three years now, despite it feeling like forever. Sadly, it’s unlikely that we’ll be able to play Fable ourselves this year, as the team working on the game has undergone several changes since this announcement, which has included gaining a new narrative lead, which has led to several changes in the team working on the game. The fact that there still might be some work to be done before the game can go live could indicate there is still some work to be done.

There will be a Fable game being developed by Playground Games – a studio that is primarily known for developing games like Forza racing series as well as other games from the Fable series. You don’t need to worry too much about the transition from the original developer (Lionhead Studios) to Playground Games; Xbox has clearly stated that it understands that giving Fable 4 over to Forza Horizon studio could be a little bit of a head scratcher, but has assured us that they will “get it”. It is also worth noting that the new Fable game will also be built with the same engine used for the Forza Motorsport game as well, so if nothing else, you can expect that it will look fantastic.

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