Oddworld Soulstorm – Oddtimized Edition is Unplayable

I always saw it in stores but feared the Oddworld franchise when I was a kid. I remember the cover art of the titles being quite unique, with one or two reminding me of Mountain Dew. My first purchase was a few of these titles as an adult when I realized they were very dark, even though they looked silly.

In terms of older games, Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty is my favourite, striking a unique sense of gameplay that’s both a platformer and a stealth game. I was thrilled to learn that Oddworld: Soulstorm would be available on Nintendo Switch with an Oddtimized Edition. It’s not the best way to experience Abe’s latest adventure.

Biggest Takeaways from Oddworld: Soulstorm

  • Featuring complex puzzles and scenarios, Oddworld Soulstorm delivers fantastic gameplay.

  • No Oddworld game has ever had such an eye-catching narrative and dialogue.

  • Performance issues and bugs/glitches make Oddworld Soulstorm – Oddtimized Edition nearly unplayable.

  • The Oddworld Soulstorm Oddtimized Edition has numerous issues that make the game unplayable.

Final Score: 4/10

The Oddworld franchise is something close to my heart and something I hold in high regard, so it pains me to have to give this game such a low score. Some technical shortcomings sabotage Soulstorm on Switch, despite some of the best cinematics, story elements, and gameplay mechanics in the series.

I would recommend playing Oddworld: Soulstorm on a platform without such game-ruining bugs. It’s a great game. If you have strong hardware, I’d recommend it. The Nintendo Switch is the only option you have, so wait until the development team resolves its issues.

Oddworld: Soulstorm – Oddtimized Edition is now available on Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and PC.

Author: Maricel Cuico