PS5 vs Xbox Series X: Which is faster?

Microsoft’s Xbox Series X and Sony’s PS5 are powerful consoles, but which is faster? Check it out!

There’s nothing like an Xbox Series X or PlayStation 5 to play your favorite games. The specs on both of them are insane and the gaming experience is unmatched. You can load games on each of these consoles in seconds. What’s the difference between them? We decided to test both systems to see which is faster based on specs on paper.

On paper, which is faster: PS5 or Xbox Series X?

In terms of specs, both consoles are pretty close, but one has an edge. With 3.86GHz versus 3.5GHz, the Xbox Series X just barely beats the PS5 with 8-core AMD CPUs. It has one terabyte of SSD storage, which is twice as large as the PS5’s 825GB. However, Sony packed storage into the system so that it actually boosts the performance of the console.

What does this mean, and how can you measure how fast a console is? We can figure out which console is faster by seeing which has the most Teraflops: Xbox Series X or PlayStation 5. This isn’t a made-up word. A flop is a floating point operation per second. An evaluation of a system’s performance is based on how many floating point calculations it can do in a given amount of time.

It’s better if there’s more. With 12.1 teraflops, the Xbox Series X wins again, beating the PS5’s 10.3 teraflops. According to the numbers, the Xbox Series X wins. Is the Xbox Series X as good as it seems?

Which console boots up faster: PS5 or Xbox Series X?

In order to determine which console was faster, we ran a few tests on them. We tested which console booted faster first.

The first thing we did was measure how long it took each console to power back on after being turned off. A PS5 turned on in 23 seconds, and an Xbox Series X took 18 seconds. Here, the Xbox Series X wins hands down. Every small bit counts, even if it’s five seconds. It was only right to time the consoles booting up from sleep mode too, since many gamers put their consoles to sleep rather than turning them off completely. There wasn’t a lot of overlap in this case. In comparison, the PS5 takes 13 seconds to turn on from sleep mode, while the Xbox Series X takes 3 seconds.

Which console runs cross-gen games faster: PS5 or Xbox Series X?

It’s one thing to turn the system on, but it’s another to see which one plays games faster. There’s no one-size-fits-all load time, though. We thought it only fair to measure how fast the consoles loaded the same cross-platform game for the first game test.

This time, we tested two consoles to see which one loaded Overwatch 2 faster. Eventually, Overwatch 2 took one hour and 21 minutes on Xbox Series X, and an hour and six minutes on PS5. Downloading a game takes a while on any console. Is it quick to boot up once it’s downloaded, though? In our testing, Overwatch 2 loaded up in 13 seconds on the Xbox Series X and 9 seconds on the PS5.

Which console is faster for exclusive games: PS5 or Xbox Series X?

Consoles don’t specialize in cross-platform games, they specialize in exclusive games. It’s safe to say most gamers will have at least one exclusive game on their console. This is because the main reason you buy a game console is to play its games. Our goal was to see how these exclusive games loaded on each console.

To see how long Forza Horizon 5 would take on Xbox Series X, we loaded it up. There was a 16-second lag between selecting the game and actually playing it. In 12 seconds, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales loaded on the PlayStation 5. Once again, the PS5 nipped the PS4 by a few seconds when it came to loading up their respective titles.

There’s nothing faster than the PS5!

The answer to the question of which console is faster is a bit surprising. I think the Xbox Series X is more responsive than the PS5 at turning on and booting back up from sleep mode. This is faster than winning each category, but not for installing and loading games.

However, take a look at how much time you’re really saving before you decide which console is faster. Gaming takes a lot more time than booting up your computer for the first time every day. You’ll spend a lot more time installing, launching, and switching games every day. Basically, the PS5 will make gaming much faster in the long run.

You should get the PS5 if speed is critical to you and you can’t decide between it and the Xbox Series X. Even though the Xbox Series X has a lot of unique advantages over the PS5, speed isn’t one of them.

PS5: Live every moment to the fullest.

You can’t trust everyone’s resume, as these experiments prove. You don’t always get what you want just because it looks good on paper. You won’t have to spend as much time watching loading screens on the PlayStation 5 since it has less teraflops than the Xbox Series X.

You can buy PS5 on Amazon via this link and Xbox Series X via this link.

Author: Khate Dizon