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15 Best Taunts in Age of Empires II

This game is known for its high level of competitiveness. It is unlikely that you will be able to catch a break during a typical match. The rivalry between the two teams can be quite cutthroat at times like that. Although the developers have been sure to add some fun taunts to hype the tension in the game so it is always possible for you to win and show your dominance.

A taunt is text that has already been written and is read out loud by the game in the background. This taunt is read out by the computer to your enemies, mocking them and making some fun of them while doing so. There are many taunts to choose from. However, we have made a list of the best ones. If you want to burn your enemies, you can now throw your most brilliant one-liners at them, especially when they are losing.


15 Best Taunts in Age of Empires II

Using taunts is one of the best ways to make the game more fun to play and to make it more interesting. They are also read by the computer if you are playing against the CPU. Here are some incredible taunts you can diss at your opponents.


You can resign again.

All hail, king of the losers!

I’ll beat you back to Age of Empires.

Sure, blame it on your ISP.

Start the game already!

Don’t point that thing at me!

It is good to be the king.

Long time, no siege.

My granny could scrap better than that.

Nice town, I’ll take it.

Quit touching me!

Raiding party!

Eh, smite me.

You played two hours to die like this?

You should take care not to backfire with these taunts, even though they are great. There is an incredibly sad ending to a game in which you taunt your enemy and lose to them as a result.

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