Awe-Inspiring Soulstice

Soulstice is a hack-and-slash adventure-action game. Two sisters, Briar and Lute, are reborn as Chimera, a hybrid warrior fighting otherworldly monsters. As they learn to harness their new potential together to stop the rampaging within Ilden, they gain superhuman power and mystical abilities.

Briar and Lute must reclaim this devastated city. Where overtaking living creatures threaten to turn them into their own possession. In order to reach the Tear in Sky, the cause of all the ensuing chaos, the sisters will face numerous challenges including nightmarish bosses, their mysterious origins, and the secretive organization that they work for.

Biggest takeaways from Soulstice

  • Based on existing properties such as the manga/anime Berserk and Claymore as well as the video games Bayonetta and Devil May Cry series. It sets itself apart by combining exploration with hack and slash battles.

  • In spite of its predictable plot, Claymore is a satisfying tale of acceptance and growth if you are unfamiliar with its influences.

  • Its gameplay and exploration combination are its biggest selling point because it requires controlling both sisters at the same time. It emphasizes their relationship as its major characteristic and gives the game its own identity.

  • A slow burner progression complements Briar and Lute’s story beats as they tap into their potential throughout its five acts.

  • After completing an initial playthrough, the game takes 15-20 hours to complete. The replay value is obtaining the highest diamond ranking and unlocking its many achievements.

Final score: 9/10

Author: Maricel Cuico