Cheats You Can Use for Vampire Survivors

Recently, Vampire Survivors’ cheats became much more popular due to the 0.10.0 update. This added a large number of updated Vampire Survivors cheat codes to the game. By entering them, you can unlock new stages, get access to regular and secret characters, and add Arcanas so you can modify your powers. In addition, you can always use the joke option to make your screen spin, which isn’t very useful. For all the details you need to know about Vampire Survivors’ cheats, read on! There is a specific item you must acquire during your run to unlock these secrets.

You must first defeat the Skull Pile in The Bone Zone to receive the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane in order to use these Vampire Survivors’ cheats. The enemy is usually found in the south of the starting area, and you should kill it as quickly as possible before it absorbs too many bones and grows. By obtaining this item, you’ll be able to access the Secrets section on the main menu, where you can use cheat codes (or cast spells) to do your tasks. As of now, these are all the known cheat codes for Vampire Survivors:


  • relaxenjoylife – Il Molise is unlocked
  • honestyactivates Moongolow
  • dotgogreenacresenables Green Acres
  • rottingpizza – opens The Bone Zone
  • peakgamedesignunlocks Boss Rash


  • noneladonna – Arca Ladonna
  • vivaladonna – Porta Ladonna
  • superladonna – Lama Ladonna
  • strongestcharacter – Poe Ratcho
  • bioparco – Dommario
  • faschiuma – Suor Clerici
  • accidenti – Krochi Freetto
  • crystalmakeup – Christine Davain
  • yattapanda – Yatta Cavallo
  • carramba – Bianca Ramba
  • reset – O’Sole Meeo
  • languorino – Sir Ambrojoe


  • secondevolution – Gyorunton
  • earrivatolarrotino – Big Trouser
  • lhovistoio – Cosmo Pavone
  • fettinepanate – Boon Marrabbio
  • iwillneverletyouforgetaboutme – Leda
  • pinociampino – Peppino
  • highfive – Gains Boros
  • ablasphemousmockery – Mask of the Red Death


  • thisshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault – Grim Grimoire
  • thistooshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault – Ars Gouda
  • leadmetothecheese – Milky Way Map
  • eggseggseggs – Glass Vizard
  • teleportustomars – Mindbender
  • randomazzami – Randomazzo + Sarabande of Healing (VI)
  • icanhearthecriesofcaptainplanet – Great Gospel
  • thankelrond – Magic Banger
  • timecompression – Sorceress Tears
  • ihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenit – Yellow Sign
  • aintnobodygottimeforthat – Game Killer (0), Mad Groove (VIII), Out of Bounds (XII), Disco of Gold (XV), and Silent Old Sanctuary (XX)


  • spinnn – briefly spins the UI


  • exdashexoneviiq – enables Exdash
  • tramezzini – enables Toastie. It only works if Exdash is unlocked
Author: Ainah Fandino