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Warhammer 40,000: Darktide: How To Skip The Intro

In Warhammer 40K: Darktide, you will be able to rampage and ruin your way through the Hive World of Tertium. The goal of this mission is threefold: to take down targets, to perform sabotage, to gain intelligence, and most importantly, to cull the heretical filth of Nurgle with three others. There are a few great intro sequences in the game that set the mood for what is to come. There was a time when hitting the space bar would get rid of the pop-up, but now there is another way to get rid of it. The following instructions will show you how to skip the introduction in Warhammer 40K: Darktide.

How to skip the intro of Darktide by using the keyboard

The Warhammer 40K: Darktide’s intro scene is an exciting way to get a taste of what the long-awaited game has in store for you as you prepare to be blown away by it. As the narration and animation unfold, you will be able to immerse yourself in the story. Upon completion, you will be given the opportunity to make your first character in the game.

Whenever you revisit the game in the future, you will always be greeted by the intro sequence. In the beta and not long after it was released, players could skip the intro sequence by pressing the spacebar, so they could start playing without having to sit through it again because they could skip it during the beta. Despite the fact that I liked it, I didn’t think it was great.

When pressing the spacebar does not work, players are likely to feel disdain and frustration. Despite the fact that you may have lost all hope, you don’t need to sit through the intro sequence every time you start the program.

After a patch, hold the spacebar until the intro sequence skips. That’s what you have to do now if you don’t want to sit through the intro every time.

What’s up with that?

Why would developers make this process so inconvenient when there were no complaints? First-timers who aren’t aware that the intro sequence plays every time might skip it accidentally. Holding it requires purposeful skipping.

Despite being correct, most players still find it annoying.

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