Nintendo Switch Game Costs: Why Are They So Expensive?

After a game is released, it usually becomes cheaper. Games for the Nintendo Switch, on the other hand, don’t follow this pattern. Why is this the case? Let’s find out.

There is a high cost associated with gaming. The price of most games usually comes down as soon as they are released, because they are expensive at first. Perhaps you should wait until the price is a tad lower before buying that game you’ve been eyeing.

On the other hand, if you already own a Nintendo Switch, you might as well start grabbing your games very soon, since the price seldom, if ever, drops. Nintendo Switch games are very expensive, but why is that?

Nintendo Switch Games: Are They More Expensive Than Others?

A video game’s lifespan is crucial to answering that question. There can be a lot of costs associated with video games. So much so, that you may wonder “is video gaming too expensive?” However, there’s always the possibility that the price may be lowered in the future, isn’t there?

When a game is first released, its price is usually high. However, as time passes, the title in question becomes less and less popular. Prices will eventually be lowered in order to entice more people to purchase them. PlayStation games typically increase in price by 12% within a few months of release.

In contrast, Nintendo games do not often drop in price. Their lifespan is especially short in the early stages. Nintendo games released more than a year ago usually sell for the same price as they did when they were first released. In other words, how does Nintendo manage to maintain such high prices even after years of publishing their games?

1. Game Values Don’t Drop With Nintendo

Evergreen games are Nintendo’s specialty. Thus, they will remain relevant for a long time to come. Even ten years after their release, they are still as enjoyable as they were on day one. As an example, let’s look at sports games. With the release of a revised version of a game, it’s not uncommon for the price to drop by a fraction.

There are very few sports games on the market that remain relevant for a long time. This is why Nintendo avoids games that may eventually become out of style. Thus, it will be able to sell its titles for top dollar year after year.

2. Game Cartridges Are Used by Nintendo

Compared to traditional disk-based video games, Nintendo’s cartridge-based games are more durable, but also more expensive.

Data is stored on disks themselves in traditional disk-based video games. When you aren’t careful, these disks are extremely easy to scratch. Disk-based games can’t be recovered once they’ve been scratched deeply enough. Gamers have resorted to using toothpaste and other bizarre items to fix scratched disks.

Retro games from the NES and N64 still work perfectly after many years, since Nintendo’s cartridges have a much longer life span than disk-based games. It costs Nintendo more money to manufacture its games on a unique medium. As a result, the final price of the game reflects that.

3. A Great Legacy Has Been Left by Nintendo

Nintendo games and Apple products are both expensive for the same reason. Known for decades, it is one of the most trusted brands in the world. Consequently, Nintendo products are more expensive because people trust Nintendo.

Brand names like Apple, Nintendo, and other similar companies are worth a lot of money. As a result, on the front of the packaging, the products are slapped with a satisfaction guarantee. Brand names provide that guarantee.

4. There Is a Nostalgic Element to Nintendo’s Games

Humans are intrinsically nostalgic. The aging process can be delayed by paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars in many industries. Even though you cannot slow down the natural signs of aging, nostalgia is the easiest way to relive your youth.

It is popular to take a trip down memory lane by listening to music, watching movies, or playing video games. Video games have been created by Nintendo since the 1980s. Putting Super Mario Bros on your NES will instantly transport you back to the good old days when you’d sit cross-legged in front of your parents’ TV playing the game with one of the shortest wired controllers ever devised.

It is the most suitable console for retro gaming since it still has many of Nintendo’s classics. A nostalgic day isn’t complete without some Nintendo games, and even though Nintendo games are still expensive, memories are priceless.

5. A Wide Audience Is Targeted by Nintendo

In spite of the fact that many people think Nintendo makes games for children, that could not be further from the truth. Nintendo caters to a demographic of children. The average Nintendo Switch owner, however, is between 20 and 30 years old according to Nintendo’s Second Quarter Financial Results.

Parents can easily purchase the Nintendo Switch for their children. Also, older people who remember and love Nintendo from their childhood gravitate towards this console. The Nintendo target audience is essentially everyone, so Nintendo has nailed its target audience. It is predicted that as more people own Switches, there will be more people who buy its games. Both supply and demand are equal.

6. There Is a Long Shelf Life for Nintendo Games

In the past, Nintendo has proven that its games last for a very long time. Nintendo games age like fine wine because they are cartoony and colorful. Do you remember when you booted up a game that once had top-of-the-line graphics, only to discover that it was more like a muddy mess by today’s standards?

In contrast to a game that has a more moody or serious coloring palette, Nintendo’s art has always had high contrast and vibrancy. Graphics aren’t relevant. Even in 64 bits, Mario and Kirby look adorable. Nintendo games rarely degrade in quality.

You Get What You Pay For With Nintendo Games

In the gaming industry, Nintendo is well-respected, and it’s not hard to understand why. Nintendo games are designed for longevity, in more ways than one.

In the same way that Nintendo’s cartridges are durable, the games themselves have the potential to last for many years to come as well. For years, gamers have enjoyed the company’s high-quality, entertaining games.

Author: Khate Dizon