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Seeing Metal Gear Solid 2’s Intro Remake In Unreal Engine 5 Is Quite Impressive

There is a MGS fan who has recreated the intro cinematic for Metal Gear Solid 2 using Unreal Engine 5 – and it already looks great.

As you can see below, there is a tweet that was sent out by German developer Erasmus Brosdau. This tweet reveals that Brosdau is working on recreating the Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty intro cinematic for the game, in real-time, completely in Unreal Engine 5, with the aim of recreating the intro cinematic in real-time, according to the tweet.

Solid Snake descends from the tanker ship in the opening scene of the game, as he appears in a very brief clip, before Raiden enters the picture at a later point in the game, before Solid Snake descends onto the ship. From the beginning to the end of the clip, there is something incredibly magical about it, with the rain catching perfectly in the ship’s lights at the beginning, and Snake’s landing looking absolutely effortless from beginning to end.

Hideo Kojima (sort of) even gave it his seal of approval (sort of), so the game really gets my seal of approval. Through his own personal English Twitter account, the original game’s writer and director retweeted the clip from Brosdau through his own personal account in order to promote the recreated Metal Gear Solid 2 cinematic to his 3.1 million followers around the world.

It seems that this is far from the only Metal Gear Solid remake project that is on the horizon. A report that appeared late last year stated that a remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 is currently being undertaken at the studio responsible for porting Dark Souls to Nintendo Switch, and that Kojima will even serve as a creative consultant on the project. There is no doubt that we will be waiting for both remakes for quite some time to come.

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