Nintendo Switch Review: Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch Fails

One thing I love on this planet is animals. More specifically, horses. Horses are majestic, patient creatures that have been living alongside humans for as long as history can tell. But in gaming, they’re mostly used for transportation.

With Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch from Aesir Interactive, you can build the ranch of your dreams through deeper communication and relationships with horses.

On the Nintendo Switch, Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch is a very poor port, which results in some of the worst gameplay moments I’ve ever experienced.

Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch Biggest Takeaways

  • You’ll enjoy working with the horses in Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch because of the robust horse care mechanics.

  • Frame rates consistently drop on the Nintendo Switch due to optimization issues.

  • You will be underwhelmed by Horse Tales: Emerald Valley Ranch on the Nintendo Switch.

  • The port should’ve landed on the console in a better state, since it’s not visually demanding.

  • Don’t buy it on the Nintendo Switch.

Final Score: 3/10


Author: Maricel Cuico