Chained Echoes: Status Effects and Meanings

There are a number of factors that can influence our performance in Chained Echoes – as in life. There’s no such thing as immortality, and no one is immune to malicious forces. But it wouldn’t hurt to study up on how said forces affect us both in and out of the game. Read on if you’re curious about status effects, resistances, and even what you can do to enemies in Chained Echoes.

Chained Echoes: What are Resistances?

JRPG veterans will understand this topic right away. Basically, if you or your party members are positively resistant to Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Darkness or Light, incoming attacks will do less damage. If you or your party members are negatively resistant to those elements, attacks will be more damaging. Plan your strategy based on these numbers. If you don’t, you’ll eventually run into your worst enemy.

You Can’t Go Wrong With Enemy Debuffs

You shouldn’t just rely on your enemies to impart status effects. Here are some debuffs you should be aware of:

  • There’s more damage done by fire when there’s oil.

  • Water does more damage when it’s dry.

  • Earth is heavy, so it does more damage.

  • Wind does more damage when it’s wet.

It doesn’t hurt to be prepared for all four of these scenarios. Having these abilities and not needing them is better than needing them and not having them.

What Ails Ya?

Take note of the different status ailments enemies can infect you with. Especially with the Doom ailment, which insta-kills characters within a few turns. There’s also Poison, Dark, Paralysis, Toxic (which is similar to poison in nature), and Full Bloom. Just keep an eye out for new and troublesome ailments to avoid, because there are a lot more.

Author: Joanna Mendoza