DMZ Warzone 2.0: How to Safely Exfiltrate With a Hostage

Highs and lows are part of DMZ. Trying to elude hostile AI and opponent operators is an exhilarating experience. While completing faction missions and contracts, you might encounter hostile operators. As soon as the time comes to secure your goods and exfiltrate, this risk grows. If you don’t complete a hostage deal.

Take a Tent to the Exfil

The majority of the player versus is evident both in-game and on social media. Exfiltration is where players will act in the DMZ. Late-game players may be getting kills for tier 5 objectives, or opposing teams may be trying to snag loot. It’s not uncommon for solo players to camp out other players Combined with the aggressive AI, this PvPvE mode is like a warzone. Exfil isn’t just for grabbing treasure and doing tasks, it’s also for earning exfil streaks, which unlock perks. The only way to enjoy everything DMZ has to offer is to gamble it all on exfil.

Help me, Help you

There’s a way around all this nonsense with hostage contracts. You finish these missions by breaking into a specific location and rescuing the prisoner. As part of the hostage contract, you’ll accompany the victim to a helicopter. To exfiltrate, all you have to do is board with the hostage and leave. During the DMZ match, this contract can be finished whenever one is available. Start the contract and call for an exfil site that won’t show up on the map for enemy operators when you’re ready to go. For DMZ runs, hostage contracts are a safer alternative to standard exfil.

Author: Joanna Mendoza