The Return of McPixel 3: A Hilarious Blast from the Past

The McPixel 3 series takes things to the extreme, boxes it, and punts it off a cliff. It goes without saying that a franchise as irreverent as McPixel would skip the second sequel and go straight to the third outing. It’s no secret that the middle chapters are the weakest, so McPixel 3 knows how to end strong.

It’s a puzzle game you’ll want if you’re a McPixel fan, but you never know what to expect. McPixel 3 takes things a notch from the original, which was quite a random and funny take on McGyver casting players to quickly save the day before things turned explosive.

Biggest Takeaways

  • Funny and random, McPixel is reminiscent of the Adobe Flash days.

  • It can be a bit finicky on the computer with occasional bugs, but the gameplay has a retro appeal.

  • Final score: 7/10

Author: Maricel Cuico