Defeating Blightpaw the Depraved in Dragonflight

You will have to know your roles and shut your mouths in order to defeat Blightpaw the Depraved. No, but beating Blightpaw is no different than beating any boss. Whether you’re a healer, tank, or damage dealer, you’ll have to work together. With healing abilities, cooldown boosts, and tanks absorbing most of the hits, you’ll deal the most damage possible. Here’s a detailed guide on how to beat Blightpaw the Depraved:

  • Blightpaw will fight with his minions, so you’ll have to master crowd control. It’s all about preventing those minions from hurting your party. Keep them together and deal AoE attacks on them to get rid of them fast.
  • You can deal and receive damage with your tank. That’s their destiny, and you can’t stop them. With a great healer, Blightpaw’s powerful attacks will be laughable. Keep your tank and team alive, and you’re good. If you have any healing crystals, you can use them.
  • You’re in for a rough ride if your plan is to stick together and deal the most damage to Blightpaw. You’ll be able to control Blightpaw’s attention hastily and prevent unnecessary casualties when you spread out.

Make sure you use your damage and defensive cooldowns. Boosting damage and defense sounds awesome, and it is. Use any abilities mid-battle that will give you these boosts. Once you beat this depraved foe, you won’t regret it.

Author: Rencie Veroya