It’s Finally Here: Kerbal Space Program 2

Kerbal Space Program 2 is almost here, as long as you don’t mind a few rough edges. It’s coming out on February 24th on Steam, the Epic Games Store, and other online stores. It could be worth a try if it has more content and features than the original. KSP2 includes “fully revamped” vehicle assembly and flight interfaces, which, according to the developers, are more friendly to rookies without sacrificing the challenge. There’s also a tutorial animation for newbies. With a new maneuver planner and a more usable time warp, the game should be less intimidating.

No matter what your skill level is, the scope will be bigger. New environments with more detailed atmospheres and terrain, as well as customizable spaceflight tech will be included in the first release. You’ll see more later. In KSP2, you’ll be able to travel interstellar and build colonies. There’s also multiplayer on the roadmap for friends who want to work together on space exploration or one-up each other. Early Access will only be available on PC, and it’s not sure when the full release will be. You might be in for a long wait if you’re a console fan or just want a polished game.

Author: Rencie Veroya