League of Legends: Updating the Jungle Role for Newcomers

In 2023, League of Legends will make some changes to the jungle role to make it more accessible.

A blog post published by Riot on Friday assures that the jungle position will be “complex in the right places,” not dumbed down.

“Jungle is a powerful role, but also the punching bag of the team,” Riot says. “We’re supposed to gank every lane, control macro, farm perfectly, and set up vision all at once. That’s awesome, but it’s too much to jump into without a pool noodle.”

In order to lower the barrier to entry for junglers, Riot plans to create a new tutorial to demonstrate how it works. Moreover, Riot teases vaguely that jungling mechanics will be “less punishing and more intuitive.”

The company is considering adjusting camp reset and leash range rules. When you’re new to the role, losing camp patience is like a slap in the face.

New Updates: League of Legends

In the future, jungle clear optimization will be addressed to make more champions viable junglers. Jungle rework is likely to focus on the fact that some champions have higher clear rates of “abuse” of certain rules.

“Right now in League, there aren’t a lot of characters that can stand up to the rest because most of them simply can’t optimize their clears enough.” Could Rammus ever be as powerful at high skill brackets with his slow and fragile clear?”

Junglers are most focused on macro strategy, so Riot wants to help them communicate more effectively. The tools include communicating their ganks to their laners, and getting teammates to help with objectives.

Last but not least, pets are coming to League of Legends to make junglers’ lives a little easier. Riot is still iterating on the design, but pets will help you with little tasks like clearing or taking down epic monsters. A secret effect will also gradually increase your pet’s power, depending on your base kit, runes, and items.

Here are some early and not quite-final pet designs:

In the 2023 preseason update, you can expect some changes to the jungling role, though some of them are still in the works.

Author: Maricel Cuico