Relationship cheats for The Sims 4

Relationship cheats in Sims 4 can make building relationships easy, avoiding what can sometimes be a boring and complex process. If you want to reach the point where you’ve got a great friendship or even a loving relationship in The Sims 4, you have to figure out exactly what each Sim likes and dislikes, spend hours picking the right interactions, or face setbacks if you pick the wrong ones.

Here’s some of Sims 4’s best relationship cheats so we can get right to the results. In no time, you’ll be able to form relationships with the Sims around you with just a few keystrokes. In case you want more general cheats for Sims 4, we’ve got one too, but here we’re just talking about falling in love. Putting you on the road to romance with the best Sims 4 relationship cheats.

The Sims 4 cheats

Before you use any of these relationship hacks, you’ll need to enable cheats. Otherwise, they won’t work. Don’t forget to do this step first. Check out how to do it across all platforms.

  • The Sims 4 PC cheats: Hold Ctrl and Shift, then press c
  • The Sims 4 Mac cheats: Hold Command and Shift, then press c
  • The Sims 4 PS4 and PS5 cheats: Hold down all four shoulder buttons at once
  • The Sims 4 Xbox One and Xbox Series X cheats: Hold down all four shoulder buttons at once

In the top right corner, you’ll see a box where you can enter cheat codes after completing one of these prompts.

The Sims 4 relationship cheats

In the box that appears, type any of these phrases to activate its effect. Reentering them usually deactivates Sims 4 relationship cheats. If there are any unpredictable effects, you might want to make a new save. The last thing anyone wants is to lose a long-running game.

  • relationships.create_friends_for_sim – create a new Sim that is already friends with you
  • relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others – introduces your Sim to all of their neighbors
  • modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] X LTR_Friendship_Main – replace X with the value to change the friendship level between the two named Sims, for example: 100 increases friendship, while -100 decreases it
  • modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetPetFirstName] [TargetPetLastName] X LTR_SimtoPet_Friendship_Main Replace X with the value to change the friendship level between a Sim and a pet
  • modifyrelationship [YourSimFirstName] [YourSimLastName] [TargetSimFirstName] [TargetSimLastName] X LTR_Romance_Main – replace X with the value to change the romance level between the two named Sims, for example: 100 increases romance, while -100 decreases it

Here are some The Sims 4 relationship cheats to get you on the right romantic path or create an archenemy quickly. Now you can just type in some cheats to increase or decrease the quality of a relationship without spending hours cultivating it. Wouldn’t it be nice if it was that simple in the real world…

Author: Khate Dizon