The FPP and TPP in PUBG

If you’re having trouble understanding the terms FPP and TPP in PUBG, we’ve got everything you need to know. You’ve probably seen two camera modes in PUBG or heard other players discussing which one is better. Here’s what you need to know about them.


You can switch between first-person and third-person camera modes in PUBG on the fly by pressing the RB or R1 keys on your Xbox or PlayStation controller. There are pros and cons to both camera modes, so it’s up to you. In third-person mode, players can see their surroundings in a wide, clear way, enhancing awareness and allowing them to peek around objects without revealing their position. It lacks the wide view and peaking ability, but trades it for better aiming with guns.

Which is better for PUBG, FPP, or TPP?

In contrast to many games with a single camera mode, PUBG offers both first-person and third-person modes that you can switch between using RB or R1 on an Xbox or PlayStation controller or by pressing the key directly under the Esc button. It’s up to you which camera mode you prefer. Players can peek around objects without revealing their location in third-person mode, increasing awareness. In first-person mode, you lose the wide view and peaking abilities, but you get better at aiming with guns.

You’ll really get the edge on your opponent if you stick to the third-person camera mode and use peaking tricks because PUBG is a third-person game. PUBG ADS allows players to aim their weapon for a better view while switching to a first-person perspective briefly.  With this, you can see exactly where your shots are going and the bullet spread is considerably reduced.

With the wide view of the battlegrounds that TPP provides, you can survey the battleground much easier, while the FPP makes it easier to fire accurately. By using the basic aim instead of ADS, you could spray bullets somewhat accurately without having to switch to first-person. Use a frying pan to beat your opponent.

The FPP and TPP in PUBG.

If you’re having trouble understanding the terms FPP and TPP in PUBG, we’ve got everything you need to know. There are two camera modes in PUBG that you’ve probably seen in the control scheme menu or heard other players talking about which one is better. Here’s what you need to know about them.


You can switch between first-person and third-person camera modes in PUBG on the fly by pressing the RB or R1 keys on your Xbox or PlayStation controller. There are pros and cons to both camera modes, so it’s up to you. In third-person mode, players can see their surroundings in a wide, clear way, enhancing awareness and allowing them to peek around objects without revealing their position. It lacks the wide view and peaking ability, but trades it for better aiming with guns.

Which is better for PUBG, FPP or TPP?

The RB or R1 keys on an Xbox or PlayStation controller or the key directly below the Esc button can be used to switch between first-person and third-person cameras in PUBG. It’s up to you which camera mode you prefer. Players can peek around objects without revealing their location in third-person mode, increasing awareness. In first-person mode, you lose the wide view and peaking abilities, but you get better at aiming with guns.

As PUBG is a third-person game by default, sticking with this camera mode and peaking tricks will really give you an advantage over your opponent. As you’ll know, the PUBG ADS mechanic allows players to briefly switch to a first-person perspective while aiming their weapon for a better view. With this, you can see exactly where your shots are going and the bullet spread is considerably reduced.

With the wide view of the battlegrounds that TPP provides, you can survey the battleground much easier, while the FPP makes it easier to fire accurately. By using the basic aim instead of ADS, you could spray bullets somewhat accurately without having to switch to first-person. Use a frying pan to beat your opponent.

Author: Maricel Cuico