A guide to dealing with wildlife damage in Fortnite

In Fortnite, you can damage wildlife by hitting any animal found on the island with some source of damage, so it’s not difficult. One of the new week 4 challenges requires you to deal 1,000 damage to Fortnite wildlife, as has been the case in recent Fortnite seasons. To complete the challenge, you must rack up damage by killing Fortnite animals, which can be found here.

Quests involving Fortnite wildlife

In Fortnite, any damage dealt to animals can count towards completing challenges of this type. All bullets, melee weapons, pickaxes, explosives, and damage to wildlife mounted by another player count, including bullet damage. Bear in mind that the bigger wildlife creatures, particularly wolves and sharks, are very aggressive, so make sure you’re prepared. However, defeated wildlife usually drops some consumable food items.

For this challenge, most animals you see on Fortnite count as wildlife, except for fish that must be caught with a rod. Among the beasts you should watch out for are boars, wolves, frogs, and crows. Although all animals are not equal, some are more common and have greater health than others. Since sharks have a lot of health, you can keep firing bullets at them until you complete the challenge. While they are quite deadly, they can only be found in a few locations, so here are the best places to hunt wildlife in Fortnite:


Boars are everywhere on the island. Generally, Lustrous Lagoon, Greasy Grove, and Rave Cave are good starting points.


Chickens can be found in the desert to the south of the map, or just east of Greasy Grove. In addition, chickens may glow purple or orange when defeated, indicating the possibility of dropping an Epic or Legendary weapon.


Check the map for crows flying around. Objects can also be perched. In the same way that chickens glow purple or orange when shot out of the air, crows do as well.


Listen for frogs’ croaking around water sources. Because frogs are annoying to find and weak, we wouldn’t recommend going after them unless a challenge specifically asks for it.


Sharks are found in some of the island’s larger bodies of water – look in the bay east of Herald’s Sanctum, the lake north of Tilted Towers, or the lake south of Logjam Junction. The waters surrounding the island are also patrolled by sharks.


Lustrous Lagoon, in the northeast corner of the map, is by far the most common place for wolves to spawn in the northern half of the island.

To complete the week 4 Fortnite quests and earn 20,000 XP, deal 1,000 damage to any Fortnite wildlife across any number of matches!

Author: Khate Dizon