The Best Way to Shoot in Pubg Mobile

Know how to stay alive before you learn how to shoot! Keep in mind that you’re controlling a character that, in some ways, moves like a tank. You can’t do all these things at once on a mobile device, and it gets significantly harder when most of the zones are closed and there are only a few players left.

When you can, run away and heal up. It is good advice most of the time, but it becomes absolutely imperative near the end since other players are likely to hear your firefight. Stand still and snipe if you can’t get a quick 1v1 kill. Disengage quickly if you can’t get a quick 1v1 kill.

Keep yourself healthy and energetic. You’ll have more health regeneration and speed in those last-ditch battles! At first, only use your vehicles. When zones start closing and you’re stuck in areas with many bridges, you’ll want something to help you hoof it when zones close. The extra speed isn’t worth the engine noise with a smaller map space. Ninjas are sneaky.

Be ruthless. Spray and pray generally works better in mobile firefights, but shoot only when necessary. Someone else is going to want to take advantage of your distraction just as much as gunfire does. Looting should be done carefully. Moving around and looting should be done sparingly — and only when you’re low. Getting greedy and looting the body of someone you killed right away will make anyone who’s been watching know exactly where you are and can kill you while you’re distracted.



Move only when needed. This is only for endgame. Exploring, looting, customizing guns are important early on. When the area starts to shrink, you should watch the zone carefully and move accordingly, not run around looking for fights. Without giving someone else the upper hand, it will come to you soon enough! Your first few shots will be easier to aim and kill when you don’t have to concentrate so much on movement.

Author: Mariane Demorar