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Light Battle Angel: Veronica

Grade: 5 star

Type: Attack

Good for: PvP in General

Leader Skill: Increase the Accuracy of ally monsters in Guild content by 55%

How to get: Temple of Wishes, Light and Darkness Scroll, Light and Dark Summoning Piece, Legendary All-Attribute Scroll, Transcendence Summoning Piece

Recommended Runes:

Recommended Artifacts:




Skill Number Skill Name Description Skill Effects Cooldown Multiplier Formula Skillups Total
1 Swift Slash Attacks the enemy 2 times to decrease Attack Speed for 2 turns with a 30% chance each. Decrease SPD
(Speed is reduced by 33%)
None (ATK * 1.9) x 2 Hits Damage +30%
Effect rate +20%
2 Ray Spears Attacks all enemies 3 to 4 times. Each attack has a 50% chance to increase the chance of landing a Glancing Hit for 2 turns and to inflict Continuous Damage for 2 turns. The damage of this attack is proportionate to your Attack Speed. (Reusable in 4 turns). Additional Attack
(Attacks an additional time on the same turn)
Continuous DMG
(Deals 5% of monster’s max HP as damage every turn)
Glancing Hit (Accuracy is reduced by 50% and the chance of the monster to land a Glancing Hit of reduced damage will increase)
4 (–> 3) ATK * (SPD + 150)/280 x 3 hits Damage +20%
Effect rate +20%
3 EMP Shock Attacks all enemies to remove all beneficial effects and increases their cooldown by 2 turns each. (Reusable in 5 turns). Remove Buff
(Removes one or more beneficial effects from target monsters)
Increase Cooltime
(Puts the target’s skills on cool down)
5 (–> 4) ATK * 4.7 Damage +20%
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