Online multiplayer games like League of Legends are super popular. In 2009, the game was launched for the first time. Known as Riot Games, the company made the game. Originally, it was for PCs and Macs. Here’s what this game’s all about.

You can play this game in 5v5 mode, like any other online game. During this mode, you compete against your friends to destroy Nexus’ base. Each team uses a map for this. As well as 5v5, you can play 3v3. The game is similar to Dominion. To damage the enemy Nexus health, you have to get objective points.
Influence Points
The influence points are used as a currency during the gameplay. A lot of things affect your earnings, including bot quantity, game results, and summoner level. In-game items like champions and runes can also be purchased with the points.
Riot Points
Both teams can use this alternate currency. You can buy this currency with PayPal, credit/debit cards, and game cards. Use Riot Points to unlock champions, rune pages, and boosts. They can’t be spent on runes, though. In addition to playing, you can get Riot Points by doing other stuff. Points can be earned by recommending the game to friends or family.
League of Legends can be customized with Runes. For example, you can speed up movement, regenerate manna, and boost your health. So instead of having your champion change based on your options, you can enjoy your game.
Champions are added every week, so you can choose from a lot. If you want to unlock champions before you use them, you can use Riot points or Influence points. Many champions are free to play, though. By doing this, you can test them out before buying them. Depending on your class, you can get tanks, support, janglers, casters, bruisers, or assassins.
Ranks and Awards
Ranking matches are like regular games, but you get your ranking based on how well you do. It’s called ELO ranking. In reality, this is a broken player situation. It’s a bit challenging to use this part of the ELO system because of the unique game design.

We hope that this introduction and these tips will be helpful to you if you’re thinking of playing League of Legends. It’s an online multiplayer game, so it’s going to be a lot of fun with friends.