Game tester skills you need

Originally, I thought people who played video games were lazy. Was I wrong about lazy people? In addition to being fun, computer games can also help you learn more about yourself, especially if you pay attention to your reactions. Although this sounds unrealistic, it’s the truth. From winning or losing, how you react under stress, your endurance, and so on, you can learn more about yourself by playing games. However, that’s another story. But I want to talk to you about making a living doing what you love. Making a living by playing video games. A few skills are required to do that. Most people have no idea that this is possible. Children who play video games from a young age have very honed talents. All they do is play games all day and night in their bedrooms.

The Skill Set

If you want to do this and make a living from it, please consider it. Yes, it’s 100% possible. Some people dream of being video game testers, but others take it for granted. Sure, it’s easy, but you need to know the basic skills. Any game establishment will look for you if you possess the following skills:

1- Pay attention to the details

You don’t just sit down and play a game for video game testing. In order to find the glitches in the game, you must pay attention to details and be alert. Your first job was to do that. It is really difficult to become an outstanding video game tester if you aren’t paying attention while playing the games. Do your job, but don’t lose focus and forget to enjoy yourself while you do it. Maintaining your focus while enjoying yourself is possible if you have a strong iron will.

2 – Critical thinking

Analytical thinking is essential. Most burgs are easy to detect, as they are visible at a glance – such as when levels crash. Nevertheless, there are some nuances that require attention to detail and an ability to analyze what happened. By doing this, you will be able to report the bug effectively.

3 – Good written and verbal communication skills

It goes hand in hand with having an analytical mind set. Usually, you’ll have to write a report, and you won’t be there when the programmers examine it and correct the glitches. It is crucial to communicate what you see to the programing department, so they do not have to ask you for clarification. For game developers, time equals revenue, so wasted time is very expensive.

4 – Passion for the game

This is the most important. Thank goodness, you are born with this most important of all skills. In other words, if you don’t have a passion for video games, you may have difficulty developing all other skills. There is no reason that it cannot be done even if you are just after the money. However, it will take an extra effort.
That’s it. Game testers need these skills. Mastering those skills above will help to make games better, richer, and more beautiful for the general public – and you’ll make a nice tidy income as well. Everybody wins here. Everyone is happy – developers, customers, and testers.
Author: Khate Dizon