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Comparison of PS4 and PC graphics

Here are the PlayStation 4 vs PC Graphics Outright Performance.


PCs are upgradeable. A high-end PC’s graphics card is removable and upgradeable, allowing users to take advantage of new technology without having to change the entire PC. As consoles have fixed specifications, Sony would need to settle on a specification and stick to it. Games consoles take a long time to develop, so their graphics hardware is often outdated by the time they are released. Each year, AMD and NVIDIA spend well over $1 billion on graphics research and development. As a result, graphics hardware continues to evolve, and consumers can keep up with these developments because computers are upgradeable. High-performance graphics cards include Radeon R9 and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 700 series. Such cards would cost at least as much as an entire PS4.


Power is another reason why consoles don’t use the most powerful GPUs. Consoles such as Xbox One and PlayStation can draw up to 300W, while high-end gaming computers can draw up to 1000W. To dissipate this heat, a large case is required to house the power supply and manage airflow. Adding noisy fans would result in a combination of size, heat, and noise that would be unacceptable in the home environment where PlayStation 4 is likely to be used. Games PCs are typically used in dedicated rooms, such as a games room or bedroom, where such issues are less of an issue. With rising energy prices, consumers are becoming more and more conscious of what consumer electronics cost to run. A 1000W console wouldn’t sell enough to justify its development budget.


Cost is the last factor. Big casings, large power supplies, and large heatsinks and fans required to deal with the heat generated by powerful gaming PCs cost money. A console built to these specifications would be far too expensive to generate the sales required to make it a viable business model. Although high end gaming computers sell in much smaller numbers, the high price of the hardware, particularly graphics cards, allows this niche segment of the market to thrive.


Sony PS4 and gaming PCs operate in two different markets. Using the latest semiconductor technology, PC graphics are state-of-the-art. A form factor, upgradeability, power supply, and consumer demand for the best technology allow this. Therefore, a console cannot outperform a PC.

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