Game testers: How Do They Work?

Video games are absolutely loved by some people. Video game testing would be the ideal job for this person. Although it is fun work, it is also a serious one. When a game is still in the development phase, game testers are responsible for testing each step. It is essential for a game tester to have patience since it may be filled with bugs.

In order to follow strict procedures, game testers must be organized and disciplined. Rather than just generating the highest score, this job involves determining whether the game works as intended by following a precise course of action. It is important to have an eye for detail in this position, as well as a working knowledge of game programming and game design, so that any problems can be documented and fixed before the product goes to market.

It is a serious business to test video games. A working knowledge of computer hardware and software is required of all testers. Additionally, he or she needs excellent communication skills to point out the flaws in the game and evaluate/communicate its overall performance to designers. It is therefore essential that testers possess excellent eye-hand coordination and effective communication skills.

The process of bringing a new video game to market is time-consuming and costly. Characters in a game are created by writers, and they are brought to life by illustrators. It is the code programmers who create the world in which the characters will operate. Early in the development process, game testers are typically introduced to a game to help iron out any flaws. At certain intervals during the development stage, game testers are called upon to ensure the quality of the game.

Video game developers take testing seriously. When a flawed game is released on store shelves, it can cost the manufacturer both revenue and reputation. Hardcore gamers demand perfect performance from their games. A game company that loses the trust of gamers risks losing market share. Testing is serious business, and the worst case scenario is recalling a defective game from stores.

The role of game testers is to find problems in games. Others test for hardware compatibility and potential issues, while some test only the software. It is necessary to perform repetitive testing in order to prevent problems from arising. In case of a problem, it might only occur in certain circumstances, and it is the tester’s responsibility to detect and note it. In order to determine how the game performs under heavy use, hardware tests might be conducted on the controller.

Testing may seem to many enthusiasts to be all about playing. Entry-level testers may be required to turn the console on and off hundreds of times. A second tester might be asked to download movies while playing, just to see how the system responds to the request.

However, if you are interested in gadgets and tedious details, then perhaps a career as a video game tester would be of interest to you. This experience gives you an inside look at how video games are tested for marketability, as well as an opportunity to learn about upcoming video games before they are released.

Author: Mariane Demorar