Monster Hunter Quest 3 Star – Urgent Quest

Reward: 400z
Contract: 150z

Time: 50 min.
Area: Forest and Hills

Special Conditions:

Goal Conditions:
Slay 1 Velocidrome

Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over

Requestor: Young Guardsman

After you killed those Velociprey, their leader showed up! It’s bigger, and it has an orange crest. Find it and kill it!

This is where it starts to get a little tough for some people. The Velocidrome appears in Area 10 the first time you do it (as an Urgent Quest) only. Subsequent playing the Velocidrome hunts out the player rather than being in Area 10 right at the start.

Before going on this quest, make sure that you have at least upgraded your Hunter’s Knife or have purchased a new weapon all together. Bring all of your healing items and anything else that you think may be useful. Once the quest has started grab everything in the supply box and proceed into Area 1. You should use your Rations at this point.

Make your way into Area 10, here you will witness a short scene introducing the Velocidrome. The Velocidrome will release a roar that will bring forth many Velociprey. Area 10 is a pretty bad area to be fighting the Velocidrome, but you will have to fight him here until he retreats. The real problem here is that the Velocidrome is accompanied by some Velociprey, they are very annoying and interrupt you while you are attacking their leader.

The Velocidrome is larger than a normal Velociprey, and he has a prominent orange crest on his head. You need to keep an eye on him during this battle, because he will retreat into another area to heal. With all of the Velociprey in Area 10 and its size, it can make things really confusing. Area 3 is a much more desirable place to fight him. If you abandon the quest and start it up again, you will not be forced to view the small video that is played in Area 10. This allows the Velocidrome to move around the level freely while he waits for you to arrive. This way you should be able to fight the Velocidrome in Area 3 from the beginning, making the battle much easier.

Note that you’ll learn to love flash bombs. If things are getting too hectic and you need a break, you have been provided with four Flashbombs for this quest. To use a Flashbomb effectively, have your character facing away from the monster, so the monster is looking at your characters back. Throw the Flashbomb directly in front of you and it will hit the monster. This will not only silence the Velociprey for a short while, it will also incapacitate the Velocidrome, allowing you to get in a few free hits. You can probably kill a few of the Velociprey in between hits with the Velocidrome, or you can clear the area of Velociprey when you first enter, and ignore the Velocidrome until it is cleared.

When it has half health the monster will try to flee, prevent this. If you cannot, run through the exit it uses and slay it there. If you need additional healing items, there are a lot of Herb trees around this level. Just continue attacking the Velocidrome until he is dead. When it is dead, quickly carve it twice. It’s parts can be sold for money or kept for making weapons.

Quest Completed!



Previous quest –> Raid the Wyvern’s Nest

Next quest –> Hunting Quest: Slay the Velociprey

Author: Aisha