Reward: 180z
Contract: 90z
Time: 50 min.
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions:
Goal Conditions:
Deliver 7 Special Mushroom
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Loving Sibling
I want to send some Special Mushrooms to my brother in town. But there are too many monsters. Please bring 7 Special Mushrooms to me.
You are looking for seven Special Mushrooms. Grab the items in the Supply box. For this quest you will also receive an Old Pickaxe and Bugnet. If you would like, you can take find some optional items by mining. You can find mining spots in Area 6 by climbing up the cliff, on one of the ledges outside of the entrance to Area 5. You can also find them inside Area 5 on the wall, and in Area 11 by climbing up the waterfall.
Exit camp and head into Area 6, there are now Velociprey hanging out in Area 2. Do not attempt to climb up the vines with them in this area. While you can get away with it, it is much safer to go next to the ledge and climb up the lower one. Then climb up to the top level.
When you enter Area 6, follow the Mosswine. Where ever they stop and start sniffing around is where the Special Mushrooms can be found. They can be found by the bushes to the left when you first enter the area. If you don’t manage to find all seven of the Special Mushrooms, you can kill the Mosswine and there is a chance that when you carve one you will obtain a Special Mushroom. Just enter and exit the area and continue killing them until you have found seven Mushrooms.
If you don’t want to do it this way head to Area 10. There are more Mosswine here and their noses will lead you to more Special Mushrooms. Continue obtaining the mushrooms until you can’t carry anymore. Though you can’t get them once the quest is over, if you have a surplus of them you will be able to sell them once the quest is over. The amount of money that you make from selling them is good at this point in the game.
Bring the Special Mushroom back to camp and drop it in the red supply box.
Quest Completed!
Note: You can deposit 6 of the Special Mushrooms and continue foraging for another 10 so you can reap the benefits of selling 9 of them.
Previous quest –> Urgent Quest
Next quest –> Present for the Armorer