Reward: 180z
Contract: 90z
Time: 50 min.
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions:
Goal Conditions:
Deliver 5 Well-Done Steaks
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Town Chef
I’m cooking for a big festival in the town. But I’m running low on Well-Done Steaks. Can you bring me 5?
Another simple quest, just don’t get used to them because soon they won’t be so easy. All you have to do is take the Portable Spit out of the supply box and go to Area 1.
Once you’re at Area 1, kill an Aptonoth. You can either get a Raw Meat or Sm. Monster Bone.
Take the raw meat and cook it. Not hard at all, now is it?
Now that you’ve made the Well-Done Steaks you have two choices. You can either finish the quest or you can go out mining and gathering. I would go with the latter of the two so you can get some new materials for better weapons and armor.
Bring the Well-Done Steaks back to camp and drop it in the red supply box.
Quest Completed!
Previous quest –> Present for the Armorer
Next quest –> Raid the Wyvern’s Nest