Monster Hunter Quest 2 Star Urgent Quest

First Monster Hunt

Reward: 200z
Contract: 100z

Time: 40 min.
Area: Forest and Hills

Special Conditions:

Goal Conditions:
Slay 3 Velociprey

Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over

Requestor: Village Guard

Help! The children are being attacked by small, blue monsters called Velociprey! 3 of the beasts are outside! Do something!

Your first hunting quest is a simple one, you need to kill three Velociprey, which are the blue raptor-looking monsters. Grab the items from the Supply Box and head to Area 8. You will see a cut-scene of the Velociprey.


Once you regain control over your hunter, attack anything that is blue and moving. Move down to the center and you will find three Velociprey here. They are easy to kill, just don’t let them jump. Try to separate one of them from the pack and then attack them with a combo. When the other Velociprey catch up, run to the other side and attack them. They will most probably pounce and bite you, but most of their attacks are easily avoidable.

Quest Update


You can only get 1 carve from them (Velociprey Fang, Velociprey Hide, and Velociprey Scale). Once you kill the 3rd one you will see a cut-scene and the quest is over.

Velociprey Scale
Velociprey Fang

Quest Completed!



Previous quest –> Basics: Fishing

Next quest –> Mushroom Picking

Author: Aisha