Monster Hunter – Offline Quests

Here are the available walkthroughs for all Offline Quests in Monster Hunter.


One Star Quests
Basics: Finding Raw Meat
Basics: Preparing Meat
Basics: Searching for Items
Basics: Combining Items
Basics: Fishing
Your First Monster Hunt!

Two Star Quests
Mushroom Picking
Present for the Armorer
Help for the Festival
Raid the Wyvern’s Nest
The Formidable Velocidrome!

Three Star Quests
Liver of Legend!
The Mushroom Hunt!
Find the Wyvern Eggs!
Trouble in the Forest
Slay the Velociprey!
Jungle Menace
Slay the Yian Kut-Ku!
The Land Shark

Four Star Quests
Bring Me Eggs!
Slay the Velociprey Pack!
Velocidrome Redux!
Slay the Genprey!
Slay the Gendrome!
Attack of the Giant Bugs!
Ioprey Hunting
Slay the Gypceros!
Catch A Yian Kut-Ku
Attack of the Rathalos

Five Star Quests
Deliver Three Wyvern Eggs
Basarios: Unseen Peril
Gendrome Redux!
Fang of the Iodrome!
Water Wyvern in the Desert
Queen of the Desert
Slay the Rathian!
Catch A Rathalos
Horn of the Monoblos
Secret Quests
The Shadow in the Cave
The Runaway Diablos
Terror of the Gravios
Handle with Care!
A Troublesome Pair

Author: Aisha