Reward: 50z
Contract: 0z
Time: 50 min.
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions:
Goal Conditions:
Deliver 1 Sushifish
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Village Chief
You can use the fish you catch in all sorts of ways! Catch a Health-restoring Sushifish and bring it back to camp!
You’ll need to take as many crickets and worms as you can hold from the blue supply chest and make your way to Area 11. Take the rations to fill your Stamina bar, this way you can run for a longer period of time before tiring.

Once you have entered Area 11 you will see a cut-scene. As you enter, a giant pig will charge towards you. You need to move out of the way. Unlike the other monsters that you have encountered thus far, the Bullfango are hostile. If you need a place to recover, you can climb up the waterfall to your left. Once you are ready, hop back down, you can use the log here as a barrier between yourself and the Bullfango.

This Bullfango however, isn’t a problem since he is alone. Study his attack pattern, and when he is readying to charge, that is a good sign for you to get out of his way. Attack him from behind and when he turns around, move around him and continue attacking. When he shakes his head and snorts, he will charge right away. Always stay behind him and continue slashing him. He can take a fair amount of punishment from the Hunter’s Knife, but he will go down eventually. If he is running towards you and you know that you won’t be able to get out of your way, hold and press R1 while facing him to block his charge and take minimal damage. Once he is dead carve him fast because his body disappears quickly.
You can now proceed with fishing. Select the worms from your items and move along the pond to the right. Once the red X disappears press Square to start fishing. The fish you are looking for is the Sushifish, they are the tiny, slender fish that you can see swimming around. To fish, keep an eye on the red bobber in the water. When you see a fish approaching it, get ready. If you see the bobber drop under the water slightly, press X to reel in the fish. If the fish just nudges it, do not press X, wait until you can see it sink. Don’t wait too long though, there is a chance that the fish could steal your bait.

Continue fishing until you reel in a Sushifish. If you run out of worms, head over near the entrance to Area 12 and look for a rock. Search around here and you can find worms. This supply of worms is infinite, so don’t worry about running out. Keep an eye on the quest time, if you decide to stay longer and fish you should probably head back to camp once you have 5 minutes left.
Bring the Sushifish back to camp and drop it in the red supply box.
Quest Completed!
Note: You can also catch fish for easy money. Try your hand at it. Catching a Golden Fish will net you an extra 760z, too. Also, it is possible to fish while at camp. Although, it is limited to non-quest fishes.

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