Addiction to Video Games: How to Manage it?

It’s always fun to escape in a video game or computer game, immersing yourself in a world entirely different from your own. It’s a fad that never fades. Modern computer technologies make these games more engaging and appealing to players. Think again if you think these games have provided society with a worthwhile hobby. Video game addiction is primarily caused by compulsive gaming. The primary cause of addiction is fun. Habit in the modern world has changed due to virtual games.

Addiction is a behavior. Gaming addiction makes a person miserable and irritable when deprived of it. Addiction can lead to violence or depression. A person continues to play despite knowing the adverse effects.

Modern addiction targets no specific age group. Playing video games with young children already puts them at risk. Kids enjoy video games as harmless activities. Game consoles offer easy reward systems, making children spend countless hours interacting with them. Virtual games provide an escape from reality for adults. Games allow individuals to create and live a distinct identity. It’s as if these games replace friends and families.

The diagnosis of video game addiction remains controversial today. However, addiction to computers and video games manifests addictive behaviors similar to substance abuse. These include tolerance for long periods, constant thoughts about the activity, lying to conceal the growing dependence, and irritability and moodiness when denied virtual access.

Take notes on your child’s behavior when playing computer and video games. Discuss the problems caused by excessive playing. Take note of the child’s behavior when imposing time limits. Observations will help the doctor determine the severity. Lastly, seek medical help for video game addiction.

Author: Maricel Cuico