In What Ways Can Video Games Affect The Brain?

Video games appeal to all ages. When they get bored or want a break from their work and studies, they play these games. In our tech-paced world, it is growing even faster. Many feel much more relaxed after playing these games. The ever-growing demand for video games has led scientists to study their effects on the brain.

Changes in the brain caused by video games

Many brain regions are affected by gaming. Video games cause some structural changes in the brain as well as behavioral and functional changes.

1. Boost focus

Playing a game requires focus and attention. Thus, video games have improved selective attention and sustained attention in humans. The attention seeking regions of the brain are more efficient in gamers compared to non-gamers, and they require less activation to stay focused.

2. Boost memory

Brain training games can even boost memory formation. Additionally, it improves working memory and sustained attention. After training, these skills are maintained for 6 months.

3. Diseases related to the brain are on the decline

Everyone wants a disease-free life when it comes to diseases. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could use a game to do it? It has been shown that strategy-based games improve brain functioning among older adults and may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Some age-related brain decline can also be reversed with a little brain training.

Overall, these games are valuable because they relieve stress, improve brain function, cure diseases, and are fun. There is always a flip side. Video games can be harmful to children as well as adults if played too much. As these games are played on screens, they can hinder children’s studies while weakening their eyesight. Playing games at work can hinder adults’ work.

To rejuvenate yourself, play a little, but not too much.

Author: Mariane Demorar