Reward: 50z
Contract: 0z
Time: 50 min.
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions:
Goal Conditions:
Deliver 2 pieces of Raw Meat
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Village Chief
First, a little trial. Hunt down an Aptonoth and harvest the meat. Deliver 2 pieces of Raw Meat and you’ll complete your first quest!
For this quest you need to find some Aptonoth and kill them, then you need to carve them and obtain 2 pieces of Raw Meat. Once the quest begins, leave the camp area and move into Area 1. The large herbivorous monsters in this area are the Aptonoth. This is a good chance to familiarize yourself with your weapon. Kill an Aptonoth and then press the X button to carve it. You can receive either a piece of Raw Meat or a Sm Monster Bone. Kill as many Aptonoth as needed until you have two pieces in your inventory.

Once you have the required materials, head back to camp. Approach the big red box and press X while standing in front of it.

Quest Completed!
Next quest –> Basics: Preparing Meat