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Dark Mage: Kiki

Grade: 5 star

Type: Support

Good for: PvP in General, Niche ToA, Faimon Farmer

Leader Skill: Increase the Defense of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%

How to get: Temple of Wishes, Light and Darkness Scroll, Light and Dark Summoning Piece, Legendary All-Attribute Scroll, Transcendence Summoning Piece





Skill Number Skill Name Description Skill Effects Cooldown Multiplier Formula Skillups Total
1 Magical Eye Attacks the enemy 2 times and decreases the Attack Power for 2 turns with a 35% chance with each attack. Decrease ATK (Attack power is reduced by 50%) None (ATK * 1.9) x 2 hits Damage +15%
Effect rate +30%
2 Mana Storm Attacks all enemies with the magic energy to decrease their Defense for 2 turns with a 75% chance. (Reusable in 4 turns). Decrease DEF (Defense is reduced by 70%)
4 (–> 3) ATK * 4.3 Damage +10%
Effect rate +25%
3 Start of Pain (Passive) When you get your turn, grants one of the following harmful effects that the enemies do not have for 2 turns each on all enemies: Decrease Attack Speed, Unrecoverable, Increase Chance of Landing a Glancing Hit, Beneficial Effects Blocked. In addition, absorbs the target’s HP by 5% of your MAX HP, up to 10%, for each harmful effect granted on the target when you attack the enemy on your turn. [Automatic Effect] Self-heal
Beneficial Effects Blocked (Buffs cannot be applied to the monster)
Decrease SPD (Speed is reduced by 33%)
Disturb HP Recovery (Healing effects are blocked for a number of turns)
Glancing Hit (Accuracy is reduced by 50% and the chance for the monster to land a Glancing Hit of reduced damage will increase.
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