Mastering Fortnite’s Ranked Matches: A Comprehensive Guide to Playing with Skill

Fortnite Ranked mode is currently disabled as of June 20 due to an identified crashing issue reported by Epic. This problem was causing disruptions in ranked matches, leading to the removal of the ranked option from the menu until the issue can be resolved. It’s important to note that all players’ ranks have been reset to zero with the release of the v25.10 update, as part of Ranked Season Zero. Therefore, when the mode becomes available again, you may find yourself starting at a different rank than before. For a comprehensive understanding of how Ranked Play in Fortnite functions, continue reading for a detailed explanation.

How to play ranked matches in Fortnite

To engage in ranked matches in Fortnite, you must follow the prompt on the lobby screen, as highlighted above, to activate the Ranked option. Although Fortnite Ranked is accessible to all players, if you join the battle royale with a new Epic account that hasn’t previously played Fortnite, you will encounter a special quest called ‘Outlast 500 opponents.’ This quest must be completed before you can enable ranked matches.

Ranked play is currently offered in Solo, Duos, Trios, and Squads across both Battle Royale and Zero Build modes. In Solo mode, you will be matched against opponents of similar rank, while in Duos, Trios, or Squads, your team will have a party rank that corresponds to the highest-ranked member of the team. Matchmaking will be based on teams with similar party ranks. It’s important to note that balancing adjustments will be made as Ranked Season Zero progresses, but for now, the following changes are currently being implemented:

  • Material harvesting rates are increased slightly
  • Material inventories are capped at 500 instead of 999
  • Players drop 50 of each material when eliminated

What are the different Fortnite Ranks?

The Fortnite Ranked system consists of a total of 18 ranks. Upon joining Fortnite Ranked for the first time, you will need to complete a match, which will determine your initial rank based on your past performance and the outcome of that match. This initial rank will be applicable to both Battle Royale and Zero Build modes. However, moving forward, the ranks for these two modes will be tracked separately. As you continue to play, you will have the opportunity to progress through the ranks. Your current rank will be accompanied by a percentage, indicating your proximity to advancing to the next level.

  • Bronze (I, II, III)
  • Silver (I, II, III)
  • Gold (I, II, III)
  • Platinum (I, II, III)
  • Diamond (I, II, III)
  • Elite
  • Champion
  • Unreal

The amount by which your Fortnite Rank increases or decreases in each match is determined by several factors. Your final placement in the match and the number of eliminations you achieve play a significant role. However, the timing of your eliminations also affects the ranking progress, with eliminations in later stages of the match carrying more weight than those in earlier stages. Additionally, the ranks of the opponents you eliminate also contribute to the ranking calculation.

In team matches, all members of the team will experience the same amount of ranking progress regardless of individual actions or contributions.

Once you reach the Elite rank, you will be matched against other high-ranking players as you compete for the opportunity to advance to the Champion level. Upon reaching the Unreal rank, you will remain at that rank for the remainder of the ranked season, regardless of subsequent match outcomes. However, at this point, you will be assigned a specific number representing your global rank among other Unreal-ranked players. You can monitor and track the top players worldwide by referring to the official Ranked Leaderboard provided by Fortnite.

What rewards are available for completing Fortnite Ranked Urgent Quests?

At the beginning of every Fortnite Ranked match, a Ranked Urgent Quest notification will appear on your screen, and it will remain visible in the top left corner throughout the match. This quest is specifically applicable to the ongoing match and has a limited timeframe for completion. If you are unable to fulfill the requirements of the quest within that match, the quest will disappear, and a new Ranked Urgent Quest will be assigned to you at the start of your next match.

There are a total of 11 Fortnite Ranked rewards available during Ranked Season Zero, which are as follows:

  • Complete 5 Ranked Urgent Quests: Get In The Ring loading screen
  • Complete 10 Ranked Urgent Quests: Trophy banner icon
  • Complete 15 Ranked Urgent Quests: GG Gnarly emoticon
  • Complete 20 Ranked Urgent Quests: Purrpendicular spray
  • Complete 25 Ranked Urgent Quests: Skull Heart banner icon
  • Complete 30 Ranked Urgent Quests: GG Gleam emoticon
  • Complete 35 Ranked Urgent Quests: Shark Surfers spray
  • Complete 40 Ranked Urgent Quests: Rocket banner icon
  • Complete 45 Ranked Urgent Quests: Knuckles Up emoticon
  • Complete 50 Ranked Urgent Quests: Quad Squad spray
  • Unlock all Ranked Rewards: Burn Bright emote

Author: Verl Sales