Reward: 200z
Contract: 100z
Time: 40 min.
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions:
Goal Conditions:
Deliver 5 Kelbi Horns
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Veteran Armorer
The decorations on Bowguns have always been made from the horns of Kelbi. But we’re running out! Can you bring 5 Kelbi Horns to me?
This quest requests that you deliver five Kelbi Horns. Leave camp and make your way to Area 2. Kelbi are deer-like herbivorous creatures, you can find them in Area 2. You can carve a Kelbi only one time once you have killed it. You have a chance of either receiving a Kelbi Horn, Hide or Raw Meat. Five Kelbi Horns are not hard to obtain. The Kelbi are fast but they aren’t aggressive.

Find a Kelbi and attack them, try to get them locked in a combo. Be aware that even though they are on the ground, they aren’t dead. Hit them while they’re down until you hear their death cry.
Once you are finished with the Kelbi in Area 2 proceed into Area 3. If you run out of Kelbi in Area 3, just return to Area 2 and they will have respawned there.

Bring the Kelbi Horns back to camp and drop it in the red supply box.
Quest Completed!
Previous quest –> Mushroom Picking
Next quest –> Help for the Festival