Here are the monsters that I used for the Labyrinth Boss Tartarus in Hell Mode difficulty.
I don’t have Perna and Taranys (usual team composition), so for my Tartarus team, I use Nat 3s and Nat 4s, pretty much a farmable F2P team. I do have Elad, but I feel more comfortable using Michelle as my reviver instead. Basically, for Tartarus hell mode team, you would need a DD (damage dealer), reviver, and support. For my DD, I use Kaki.
Boss battle
I usually do the left arm first, since that destroy would really hurt your team, especially if you don’t have a shield to absorb the damage. I put Michelle on Violent runes so that she can cycle her revive faster.
I can do auto hell mode with all the mini bosses dead. If one of the mini bosses is dead, I can do hard mode but not on auto.
So, without much further ado, please watch the video below.
Team composition

Here are my team for the other bosses:
I wish you luck in your quest to finish hell mode on all the lab bosses, summoners!