Reward: 50z
Contract: 0z
Time: 50 min.
Area: Forest and Hills
Special Conditions:
Goal Conditions:
Deliver 2 Herbs and 1 Spiderweb
Fail Conditions:
Reward Zero
Time Over
Requestor: Village Chief
You can find all sorts of useful items during a hunt. Search around and bring me 2 Herbs and 1 Spiderweb.
Grab the map from the Supply box. You can find your first items (the herbs) in many places. The first place would be the first area, right next to the dung pile. It will appear as a plant with yellow-orange bulbs on it. If you don’t get any here, you can continue on into the various areas, such as area 2 and 3, and find them there. Continue searching until the “There is nothing else here” message is displayed. You can only search for items if your character’s weapon is sheathed.

Continue moving through Area 2, to the left you should notice a small ledge. Move along the side of this ledge until you find some hanging vines. Move up to them and press the X button to climb up. Proceed into Area 6. Move over to the series of ledges in this area and climb up them. The path is very straight forward, just climb the vines when you get to them. Once you have made your way to the top, head directly in front of you. Stand near the Spiderweb and search for items. Once you have a Spiderweb jump back down the cliff.

Return to camp with the requested items and deposit them in the red supply box.
Quest Completed!
Previous quest –> Basics: Preparing Meat
Next quest –> Basics: Combining Items