Baldur’s Gate 3: Reviving Dead Characters

Resurrect Dead Companions in BG3

A game as difficult as Baldur’s Gate 3 requires the ability to revive dead characters, and BG3 does not hold back on any punches. Luckily, there are multiple ways to resurrect dead characters, and while none of them are easy or cheap, they aren’t too hard to accomplish once you know the methods.

Besides bringing back your own companions, Withers can help you recruit hirelings as well. We’ll discuss those in just a moment. For now, here’s how to resurrect party members.

Bring the Dead Back to Life in BG3

Unless you want to reload a save, there are three ways to revive dead characters in Baldur’s Gate 3.

– Use the Scroll of Revivify. It is possible to bring back a dead character to life with single hit points by using the Scroll on their body. Scrolls are sometimes sold by merchants, but they are typically expensive, costing hundreds of gold.

– Pay Withers’ Undead Necromancer. Withers spawns in your camp, regardless of whether you complete the Dank Crypt dungeon in Baldur’s Gate 3. If you pay him 200 Gold, he’ll revive a fallen ally.

– Use the Revivify Spell. This level 3 magic is one of the most potent Baldur’s Gate 3 spells, available to healing classes like Clerics and Paladins of fifth level and up (which means Shadowheart can learn it). A fallen teammate will be brought back to life with one hit point with this scroll, but you’ll need to level up before you can choose it.

In order to prevent allies from getting to this point in the first place, catch them when they’re down. As a bonus action, one party member must have the Healing Word spell, a ranged heal that can be cast as a bonus action.

The Hirelings in BG3

Hirelings are undead warriors in BG3. Talk to Withers at camp, and he’ll set it up. You’ll fight with them in battle, and he’ll summon them for a price. Stay patient if you don’t see him at camp right away.

Withers can also help you respec in Baldur’s Gate 3 if you’re struggling with your class or build.

Author: Jim Torralba