Groovy Grove in Fortnite: Where to Find It

Groovy Grove, Reality Falls, and Rave Cave in Fortnite

The Groovy Grove is a new landmark in Fortnite for this season, so you’ll need some directions to find it. It’s obvious that Reality Falls and Rave Cave are named locations for the Week Zero Fortnite quests, so they’re not too hard to find.

There’s no need to visit all of them at the same time, as this assignment is cumulative. However, you can find details here about Groovy Grove, Reality Falls, and Rave Cave. To unlock several quests in Fortnite, you must land at Groovy Grove or Fungi Farm and travel to The Glow in a single match. Once you’ve locked into Groovy Grove, you can go.

Groovy Grove’s Location

As part of the revamped area, Fortnite’s Groovy Grove was added to the west side of the island. In addition to Groovy Grove, Reality Falls, and Rave Cave were also highlighted on the Fortnite map above. Both are named points of interest.

Visit Groovy Grove in Fortnite

Among Fortnite’s most popular places is Groovy Grove, where there are many blue mushrooms in a forest of purple trees. It’s northwest of Greasy Grove or just west of Reality Tree. Once you reach Groovy Grove in Fortnite, a notification will appear. There are numerous chests at the base of the mushrooms, as well as several more on top.

After visiting Fortnite Groove Grove, you’ll find Reality Falls and Rave Cave easier because these locations are already on the map. On the north side of the new purple forest, you’ll find Reality Falls, and if you look for the glowing Reality Tree, you’ll find Reality Seeds.

Lastly, Rave Cave is located in the mountains to the northwest of the island, in a hollowed-out base that was once Command Cavern. It’s worth climbing the hill, but you have to get inside to see this new party spot properly. This area has plenty of loot, and Fortnite Ballers ride the rollercoaster rails.

Author: Jim Torralba