With the Ripsaw Launcher, You Can Damage Fortnite Players

Weekly Fortnite Ripsaw Launcher Quests

The Fortnite Ripsaw Launcher can be used as both a weapon and a tool during the battle royale. Ripsaw Launchers can easily damage players with one blade, but other tasks, such as destroying five structures with one blade, require a little more finesse.

If you use the Fortnite Ripsaw Launcher wisely, you can rip through opponents’ barricades and raze buildings to the ground, bringing a certain chaotic energy to the game.

Ripsaw Launcher Location

The best place to get yourself a Ripsaw Launcher is at the Chop Shop in the frozen northwest area of Fortnite. It is a large red workshop building roughly north of Logjam Lotus. Inside, you’ll find two Ripsaw Launchers. A smaller, gray garage building holds Ripsaw Launchers.

You may not need to buy the Ripsaw Launcher in the Chop Shop, although it is best to do so if you absolutely need one. The Ripsaw Launcher is not available in competitive playlists.

How to Use the Ripsaw Launcher

Using the Ripsaw Launcher, sawblades stick into destructible objects and damage them until they break. A Ripsaw Launcher is also needed for several weekly Fortnite quests. The first requires you to chop down Fortnite Timber Pines, while the second requires you to find giant mushrooms in Fortnite and chop them up, as well as damage players.

There is a balance between the launcher’s destructive power and limited ammo. Holding the fire button increases sawblade range and velocity. This weapon can also be used as a melee weapon in Fortnite. Battle royale modes that allow building are worth keeping but hard to use.

Destroy 5 Structures With a Single Ripsaw Launcher Shot

With one shot of the ripsaw launcher, players are required to destroy five different structures before they eventually self-destruct. Here are a few ways to sort your Fortnite Ripsaw Launcher:

  • Using furniture inside buildings rather than the buildings themselves is better. Chairs, tables, shelves, etc., tend to break fairly easily.
  • Shoot at objects in advance to weaken them (but do not destroy them).
  • Make sure you plan your shots carefully and do not waste sawblades experimenting.

This challenge is well suited to the Chop Shop, as it contains Ripsaw Launchers and flimsy objects you can destroy efficiently and effectively. You can see from the image above that the saw is about to destroy the boxes, and tables, then continue to work on the door behind them – a trajectory that worked when we tried it.

Author: Jim Torralba